Client Rights and Advocacy 16

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Self-Advocacy, Rights & Responsibilities

Use the High Frequency Words  to complete the sentences in the email. Fill in your choices. 

Presenters: Have participants review email "sign-offs" from previous lessons. What other ways are apporpriate to start/end this email?

Show & Share 

One of our responsibilities in the cooler weather is to dress warm enough! Besides sweaters and sweatershirts, what other warm clothes do you have?

<Body Break> 

Check out this Video. Can you do some of these moves?


Go through this website and review the page "Where and How to Vote"

Check out this Video explaining ways to cast your vote in this upcomong election.

Do you plan to vote?

If you already voted, How did that process go?

How are you casting your vote?

Remembering last week:

What is one way you can register to vote?

Quiz Time! 

Try this quick voting quiz to "Test Your Election I.Q"

Presenters: Review and Discuss voting information with participants. Do a web search to clarify any uncertainties.

 Level up: Have participants do a web crawl for answers to show their screen sharing/presenting skills. 

Life Skills Questions/Quiz 


*Life Skills Questions/Quiz Set 1

*Life Skills Questions/Quiz Set 2

Choose one of the quizzes and go over the questions. Check your answers together at the bottom.

PRESENTERS: Remember to allow enough time between a prompt and people's response. If strong readers/writers want to complete the other quiz too, show both answer sets.

<Body Break> 

What Did We Learn Today?

Quiz Answers:

Set 1

  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C

Set 2

  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D

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