Client Rights & Advocacy 49

Rights & Self Advocacy

Show & Share (10-min)

Your favorite type of dance. Do you enjoy salsa, line dancing, or ballet? Share your favorite type of dance.

Exploring Food Groups (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Review the links and types of food groups that are recognized. 

There are  many types of food groups where our food comes from. Foods impact everyone differently.

What are main food groups?

  • Show examples of one or two foods from each food group
  • What is your favorite food group to eat from?
  • What surprised you about some food groups.
  • How important is it to get foods from different food groups?

Know your food groups

How to Create a healthy Plate

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Fitness Goals (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: Reveiew the narratives of individuals below. Ask particiapnts what they noticed that was similar or different about each journey. Ask participants ways in which they can set small goals for big rewards.

Man Who Lost 200lbs gives tips on losing weight

How did they decide that they wanted to make a change? Was it a health issue? What is something that they wanted to do for themselves? Were they inspired by family? Remember that everyone’s choices for fitness goals will be different and that is ok! It is up to you to decide where you want to start.

Here are examples of short-term fitness goals.

In your portfolio planner, create a short (or long, it is up to you!) term goal that you'd like to work towards. **Personal Fitness Goal**

Life Skills Work sheet - Differentiating between Relative Traits (5 mins)

PRESENTERS: Complete the Life Skills story worksheet as a team.

Complete the Life Skills story worksheet **Differntiating between Realtive Traits** worksheet. Once you finish, share your answers with the team    


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Optional Level-Up 

Design a full year of fitness/health goals with a

  • 3 months check in
  • 6 months check in
  • 9 months check in


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

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