Client rights & advocacy 60

Rights & Self Advocacy

Self-advocacy Video 

PRESENTERS: Be sure to point out that the speaker is using a Braille reader to read her speech


Life Skills Story Questions 

Ready for this weeks story quiz? Good Luck!

Presenters you can double check your group answers at the end of the page.

Fashion as Advocacy


Explore Able Voices' Photo Club

PRESENTERS: Talk to your group about the fact that their tablet is a camera and they can take photos and videos to self-advocate. 

Body Break(sometimes kid stuff is fun even for adults) 

Follow the video if you want to, or do your own moves 

Self-Advocacy in Motion

water breathe 

Self-Advocacy Skills 

Body Break

Follow the video if you want to, or do your own moves 

Resilience (video 1) & 

Perseverence (video 2)

Sequence the hour 

Presenters; use the whiteboard to make a list of the things covered today in order (if you have time) 

Quiz Answer Check

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. A

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