Client rights & advocacy 64

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thematic Activity

Review this info graphic of how to get "start-up" money for your business idea and identify which of the ways are what the teams and Microsoft offer in the news story above.

Body Break—Clown Workout—"The Drop"

Skills Media

One way to have the power to advocate for yourself is to control your own job, be your own boss. Owning your own business, instead of having an employer, can be very empowering. But to be a successful business owner one of the most important things you can learn is about yourself. After all, the whole business depends on you. 

Read these tips on self-knowledge for business owners. Think about your own personality and strengths.

  1. What kind of business might you start? 
  2. Would it be a service or product?
  3. Who would be your customers?
  4. How would you feel about taking care of your customers all the time, no matter what happens?
  5. Who would you ask to invest in YOUR business if you were to start one?
  6. Do you think having a job for an employer is harder or easier than having a business yourself?

Skills Information

Think about the people you know who love and support you. Think about the people you just know, but not as well. Think about people who know the people you know. Would you be able to get these people to help you with a business idea? 

Make a mental, or written, list of the people you could get to COLLABORATE with you on starting a business. 

Use this info graphic to identify the steps where your "team" could support you.

Who would you support if they asked for your help with THEIR business idea?

Skills Applied

Choose one of these entrepreneur quizzes and try it. Have a volunteer or two choose answers based on themselves.

Body Break—Clown Workout—Strangers in my Home

Fun Stuff—Cuddly Wombats

Review the Weekend

Go back through the tabs of the week and review the information that your group finds most interesting.

Do searches on topics from the week on a shared screen to find out MORE information.

Tell your group who you might share your new knowledge with.

Share weekend plans.

Take a peek at Friday's activity board.

Troll around Youtube or do other searches for interesting things YOU want to learn about.

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