Client Rights & Advocacy 33

Rights & Self Advocacy

Show & Share (10-min)

  • Have you ever tried to play matchmaker? Has anyone ever
  • tried to match you up with someone?

  <Body Break>

Skill Builder - Setting aside time for difficult conversations (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: The lesson is that when we have a difficult topic to work out with someone we love, 

  • it's a good idea to set aside time in advance so that you can prepare and focus AND 
  • that "I" statements are less threatening in interpersonal relationships than "you" statements. 

When a relationship problem starts, we need to discuss it. This can be hard. We don't want to fight or hurt our partner's or friend's feelings. What can we do? 

  1. Ask for a time to talk that will not be interrupted—like an appointment.
  2. The person  may ask to talk about it right away. You can do that if you want to and have time.
  3. It's better to wait because you can both be more prepared and calmer. 
  4. If asking for the time to talk makes your friend or partner worry, you can tell them what topic you want to discuss and reassure them that it's not a bad thing but you do need their help with it. 

Which statements sound calm and non-accusing? What is different about the statements that don't feel scary?

  • want to understand your view on something
  • You have a habit that drives me crazy
  • I am feeling badly and need your help to figure out what to do
  • You made me mad.
  • I'm having some difficulty and want to process it with you
  • You hurt my feelings and I want you to apologize.

            <Body Break>

Thematic Activity 02 (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: Tomorrow we will celebrate Valentine's Day so use this activity to plan a great celebration for tomorrow.

  1. Should there be a theme?
  2. Should people wear something?
  3. Should people bring something?
  4. Do we want games or activities of any kind?
  5. Who will handle the music?

               <Body Break>

Survival Math (5-10 min)

Understanding Weather Changes

Subtracting big numbers from little numbers makes NEGATIVE numbers - numbers that are LESS than 0

Optional Level-Up 

Can you subtract bigger numbers from smaller numbers?





Answers at the bottom of the page in blue


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

3-10 = -7

5-6 = -1

20-30 = -10

1-6 = -5

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