Client rights & advocacy 71

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thematic Media

Lending your strength to others is part of collaborating to make a better society. This couple is using their marriage and YouTube channel to help other inter-ability couples choose to be together. 

Do you think inter-ability couples might like to have this kind of supportive example to face their own challenges?

Thematic Activity

Strengths can be shared so that others can lean on them. Here is a quote from Mind Journal: “Kindness is loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.” What does that quote mean?

Who has lent you strength? Who have you used as an example for your own strength? 

Body Break--Choose 2-3 exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Skills Media

Song: I'll Stand By You - Pretenders

Skills Information

Scroll through these quotes about strength. Do you like any of them? Do any of them seem to be about you, your life, or your friends?

Skills Applied

This video is about adult bullies at work places. The video says to be able to say "no" from the beginning, to not be a "people pleaser," to write down the bullying and to get other people to confirm your experience. 

What would be hard, or require courage, about standing up for yourself in an adult work setting?  What are some reasons people don't sometimes?

Where, in a work setting, can someone go to get support for bullying, which can also be included under the word "harrassment?" Clue: It's a department in larger companies. 

Body Break--Choose 2-3 different exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Fun Stuff

Sometimes the courage you need is to quit a job that isn't working out. Here are some people who quit their jobs in very unusual ways.

Quitting 1

Quitting 2

You know the right way to quit a job, but other people's poor judgement makes for funny youtube video. 

What did we learn today?

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