Week 01: June 15-19

Daily Program Schedule down below 

District Meeting POWERPOINT file Any Day
PLEASE FEEL FREE to customize the slides for your area/program/people.
If your device is older, mobile or otherwise has difficulty with PowerPoint, use the PDF below. It will be faster and has the same links and pages.
District Meeting same as PowerPoint but in PDF format for ANY DAY

Everybody ZOOM!

Bye bye to Monday - It was fun. We learned alot.

  1. How we will request silent attention in a zoom meeting
  2. What devices everyone is using
  3. Where the REACTION buttons are in zoom to do THUMBS UP and CLAP
  4. Visited some fun websites
  5. and MOST IMPORTANT we spent time TOGETHER

Zoom Tools Links

REACTIONS on Laptop or Computer

Reaction Button

More (...) Button

Reaction Button Full screen

Reaction Choices Full Screen

Reaction Display Full Screen


iPhone Plain Screen

Tap to Find Controls

More (...) Button

Reaction Choices

Reaction Display

REACTIONS on Android

More (...) Button

Reactions Choices

Reactions Display


More (...) Button

Everybody ZOOM!

**PRESENTER REMINDER -- CTRL + W closes the window

Zoom Tools of the Day

Frustration! Lots of things can be frustrating, especially technology

What makes you frustrated?

Frustration is a strong feeling

Handling frustration takes practice:

  1. Deep breaths
  2. It's not your fault
  3. Sometimes you have to try more than once
  4. Trying many times builds our strength and makes us resilient.
  5. The more you BOUNCE BACK the stronger you get
  6. In ZOOM we bounce back by coming back to the meeting. 

ZOOM TOOLS - Mute/Unmute - Video on/off

You can mute and unmute yourself in Zoom.

Zoom Mute Button

Zoom Video Button

Greetings & Salutations

Let's practice. A host will mute us all and then call on one person at a time to practice umuting and introducing themselves. 

While you wait your turn see if you can turn your video on and off.

Show & Share

Who would like to show or share something? 

National WHAT DAY?

This website tells us what is nationally celebrated on a given day. 

Game Time - Find the Hidden Objects Listed

When someone spots an object in the list they direct the presenter to where it is. The presenter will use the annotation tool to cross the item off the list.

**PRESENTER TIP-- on a computer or laptop, you can make the image bigger on screen by pressing CTRL and the + sign on your keyboard -- 

press CTRL and 0 (zero) to make it regular sized again.

Take a Break

Shake Your Booty Break

Move That Body

Scroll down to the CHAIR YOGA gifs and try them out.

Music to Enjoy

Click PLAY arrow first then try this one with your eyes closed.

Trivia Fun

Learn to Sign the Days of the Week

Hidden Animals

Can you spot the animals in the painting? Orang____, Lem____, El_______, Tou_____, Pum__

Check on the Pandas at the Atlanta Zoo

They might be doing stuff or not. Click the play button in the screen to start the live camera feed.

Learning Review

  1. How to BOUNCE BACK from tech frustration
  2. How to mute/unmute and turn video on and off in zoom
  3. That June 16th celebrates ___________.
  4. Finding hidden images in pictures
  5. Chair yoga poses
  6. Trivia
  7. Signs for days of the week
  8. That there are pandas at the Atlanta zoo

11 O'Clock

  • Now it's time to plan your afternoon. 
  • Go to COLLEGE Hour!
  • Eat a healthful lunch with colorful fruits and vegetables. 
  • Go outside and get some sun. 
  • Talk to the people in your home. 
  • Work on a project. 

See you at 1pm back in the District Meeting. 

Everybody ZOOM!

**PRESENTER REMINDER -- CTRL and the + symbol magnifies, CTRL + 0 (zero) makes it normal again

Zoom Tools of the Day


When a whiteboard is on the screen you can write on it.

Greetings & Salutations

Say hi and check in with friends and co-workers.

Show & Share

Who would like to show or share something? 

National WHAT DAY?

This website tells us what is nationally celebrated on a given day. 

Game Time

A little virtual Uno. Your presenter can click play and select a game for 2 players. Then you can tell your presenter what cards to put down. Player MUST click the numbe 1 tile on the board when they have just one card left.

**PRESENTER TIP-- on a computer or laptop, you can press CTRL + T to open a new browser tab.

Take a Break

Move That Body

Choose a few of these balance exercises to help you maintain strength.

Sing Like It's the 80's

Do you love Rock n' Roll?

Trivia Fun

Practice Your Spanish

Click the right arrow to go to a new card. 

Click the card to turn it over and see the English.

Scavenger Hunt

Find as many of these things in your house as you can in 3 minutes. Show us.  C'mon, staff. You play too.

  1. A cup
  2. A hat
  3. A pencil
  4. A plastic bag
  5. A rubber band
  6. A photo
  7. A spoon
  8. A magnet (check your fridge door)
  9. Mail 

See Otter Cam

Click play for the live camera.

The thing about live webcams is sometimes there's something going on, sometimes not. Good luck!

Learning Review

  1. Zoom whiteboard
  2. Today is national ____________ day.
  3. Virtual Uno!
  4. Balance Exercises
  5. Singing oldies karaoke
  6. Trivia
  7. Spanish Greetings
  8. Stuff we have in our house

11 O'Clock

Now it's time to plan your afternoon. 

  • Go to COLLEGE Hour!
  • Eat a healthful lunch with colorful fruits and vegetables. 
  • Go outside and get some sun. 
  • Talk to the people in your home. 
  • Work on a project. 
  • See you at 1pm back in the District Meeting. 

Everybody ZOOM!

Thursday, June 18. 2020

Zoom Tools of the Day

Gallery View and Speaker View

  1. Gallery View Icon in Computers & Laptops
  2. Speaker View Icon in Computers & Laptops
  3. On an iPhone, swipe to change between Gallery View and Active Speaker.
  4. On iPad  an iPad, tap the Switch to Active Speaker button.
  5. On Android swipe to return to active speaker

Greetings & Salutations

Say hi and check in with friends and co-workers.

Show & Share

Home tours: Show us some part of your home or room you want to share, or NOT. Up to you. But share something  you want others to know. 

National WHAT DAY?

This website tells us what is nationally celebrated on a given day. 

Game Time

Guess the animals

**PRESENTER REMINDER-- on a computer or laptop, you can press CTRL + W to close a window.

Take a Break

Get up outta that chair! Staff, you too! 

Just to be weird...

Different ways to say restroom in English:

  • Bathroom
  • WC (stands for Water Closet)
  • The "Head" (comes from boating, because the bathroom on a boat is down below in the front of the boat)
  • The "Loo" (mostly British people say that)
  • Washroom
  • Powder room
  • Latrine (this is for an outdoor place to go with no plumbing)
  • Porta-Potty
  • "Library" (because a lot of people read in there)

YOU Tell Us How to Move Our Bodies

Each person show everyone an exercise YOU like best.

Christmas In June

How about let's be crazy and sing a Christmas song in the summer time! Or NOT. Your choice. But sing something. Singing is really healthy.

Guess the Expression

We wear masks because of Covid-19. That can seem weird because we aren't used to it. It's also hard to tell how someone is feeling when they have a mask on. Let's see if we can tell what someone's expression is with a mask. 

  1. Each player can put on a mask, or cover their nose and mouth with their hands. 
  2. The group has to guess if they are smiling, frowning, growling, yawning, or laughing.
  3. The player removes their mask to reveal their expression. 

Listen to Spanish in Music

Disney's Frozen character sings about Summer in Spanish

Where's Waldo? At the beach!

**PRESENTER TIP! CTRL and the + sign make the image larger on screen. Then you can scroll to different areas of the image and search for that guy up close and personal. 

Use the Annotation Tools to cross out all the places he ISN'T until you find him. Or NOT. Your choice. Happy hunting.

Weird Word of the DAY

E N U N C I A T E - means to speak clearly

These guys way OVER-ENUNCIATE

Dad Jokes

Pick out a Dad Joke and see if you can tell it. Your audience can give you a clap or a thumbs up if it's funny and call "Groaner Foul" if it's not funny at all. 

Learning Review

  • Zoom gallery and speaker view
  • Today is national ____________ day.
  • Words that mean restroom
  • Move 
  • Enunciation
  • Jokes! It's all in the delivery.

11 O'Clock

Now it's time to plan your afternoon. 

Go to COLLEGE Hour!

Eat a healthful lunch with colorful fruits and vegetables. 

Go outside and get some sun. 

Talk to the people in your home. 

Work on a project. 

See you at 1pm back in the District Meeting. 

Everybody ZOOM!

Friday, June 19, 2020

Week 1 is done! Time to relax into our fun sides and have a good time together today. We all did a great job dealing with TECHNOLOGY FRUSTRATION this week. And we got to hang out and talk and see one another. Let's enjoy that especially today. 

Zoom Tools of the Day

KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS! Mostly for laptops and computers

Mute and UnMute

ALT key  and then the letter A

Video On and Off

ALT key and then the letter V

DRAW on a Shared Screen (Annotate)

Remember the whiteboard lesson we tried on Wednesday? Well you can also draw on a shared screen. You have to open up the annotation tools just like for the whiteboard.

This is a fun way to do a Word Search together. Your presenter can share a picture of a word search and you can use the highlighter tool to mark the words you see. 

Here's an English/Spanish wordsearch to try if you want. Or NOT. Your choice. Or find another one...

Friendship Soup

  1. Do you have any friends here today?
  2. Do you have friends you miss today?

Watch this video about a recipe for Friendship Soup 

Share what you would put in your friendship soup. Tell the names of some of your friends. Who has been your friend the longest time? 

Here are some activities you can do to keep your friendships strong and healthy.

  1. Call friends on the phone to say hi and tell them you miss them
  2. Write a friend a letter and mail it to them. Everyone loves to get mail.
  3. Send a post card with a fun joke or memory you and your friend have together
  4. Tell your friends you are there to support them if they are having a hard time.
  5. Tell your friends you are there to celebrate with them if they are having a good time.
  6. Tell your friends you are proud of them when they achieve something. 
  7. How do YOU tell your friends you appreciate them?

Body Break

Wiggle, jiggle, move, shake. Make your body happy and take it for a little tour. Look away from the screen. What's on your ceiling? What's on your floor? Where's the nearest exit door?

Go get a snack and show us your choice.

Drink some water.

Use the restroom.

Pet your pets if you have them. 

 Come back in a bit when you're rested. 

Body Functions Can Be Catching

Do any of these make you feel the same way as the person in the picture?





Chat About It

  • What are our moods? 
  • What kind of mood did you wake up in today? 
  • What kind of mood did the people in your house have this morning? 
  • When you are in a good mood, how do you show it?
  • When you are in a difficult mood, how do you show it?
  • Can you show us a mood on camera today? 

Acting Lesson—Making Laughter Happen

See if you can make yourselves laugh. Use the idea in this video.

Finger Dance Time

Regular finger dancing

Fancy finger dancing

Group fancy finger dancing

Fingers with FEET!? Dancing?

Now it's your turn. Get ready by showing us your fingers. Here's a dance beat. Let's see some fancy finger work.

*Super Pro Zoom TIP laptops and computers

When someone is sharing a screen, you can click the picture-in-picture icon on the top right corner and switch focus to the videos of people.

Friendship Makes Life Work

  • We are HERE. Tough times? Sure. But we're not going anywhere. We can HANDLE THIS!!
  • When things are difficult is when our frienships grow stronger and our love for people gets deeper. 
  • Let's celebrate our friendship by singing this song together. Presenters can share so people see the lyrics if they dont' remember.

Free Online Bingo Number Caller

Just click start a new game and keep clicking call the next number. Easy peezy.

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